Favourite picture

 I don´t really like to take selfies or to be in a picture, I prefer taking photos of flowers, the sky, cute animal, nature and that kind of things. Well, It´s kinda weird but those are my favourite pictures. 

I chose them because that day I was having a lot of fun and I am with my favourite people. I can´t really remember who of my friends took them, but I´m sure it wasn´t me. 
Those pictures are from some months ago (I think april). I don´t really enjoy staying outside, I feel comfortable inside of my house. Whatever, that day was special, I go out with my friends some weeks after my birthday. We did a lot of thing, like go to play some games, eat some ice cream, pizza and more things that I can´t remember.
How I said before, I like them because I think It shows how much fun I was having. Also, I like polaroid photos, the colors are cute and you can´t look bad in them (?)
Well, that´s all. Bye!


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