In my opinion

Today I'm going to talk about my opinion on some topics that can be a little controversial. 

First I would like to talk about women in the military. To be honest I haven't think about that before, because is something normal for me, like I can't see something weird or bad about the topic. And maybe you can say that women aren't as strong as men. But obviously that's kinda dumb, like I'm stronger than my big brother, and I'm really weak! And, independent of your sex, as long as you want to complete a goal you can do it. 

The second topic is the legalizing of marijuana and other drugs. I know that between young people, like 90% of them smoke marijuana, and the truth is that I'm not into drugs and anything like that, but I don't understand why they are illegal. If cigarettes are legal, when they are as bad as drugs, why both can’t be legal? That doesn't make sanse to me.
Whatever, If you want to smoke cigarettes or marijuana don't do it in public spaces, some people (like me) can't deal with the smell.

Third topic is legalization of abortion in the 3 cases. Well, I agree with the legalization of abortion in any case, like why not? why I would try to decide about someone elses (that I don't even know) life? For example, If there is a woman that can't raise a child for x reason, that kid will probably end in a sename or somewhere in bad conditions. And you will help that little kid? I think you will say that no and It was her/his mother faults when that woman really couldn't raise her child. Also, If a woman really wants to abort, she will do it even if it's dangerous. 

And the final topic is climate change. I'm not sure If you can have a personal opinion about this topic, you can agree or desagree with climate change because is a reality! It's something that is happening. So, the only thing that I can say as an opinion for this is that we have to work hard for helping our world and everyone who lives here. 

Now, I would like to read your opinions about these topics. See you the next week! 


  1. I agree with you in all of your opinions, maybe we could talk someday! Regards :)

  2. the climate change is changing, thats a fact

  3. The cigarette would be illegal, I don't know why be commercialized something so much harmful for the people.


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