Expert on my field that I admire

Today I´m going to talk about an important and famous:

Marie Curie 

Marie Curie was a polish and naturalized-french physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was born in Warsaw on 7 november 1867, the fifth and youngest child of well-known teachers. When she was 10 years old she began attending the boarding school of J. Sikorska and graduated on 12 june 1883.
Years later, unable to enroll a regular institution of higher education, because she was a woman, she and her sister became involved with the clandestine Flying University (it admited women students). At 1891, she left Poland for France.Two years later, she was awarded a degree in physics and began work in an industrial laboratory of Professor Gabriel Lippmann.
In 1894, Pierre Curie entered her life, it was their mutual interes in natural sciences that drew them together, in that moment, they began working about magnetism.
Marie Curie was really interested about the discoveries of x-ray and uranium, so she started working on those topics. In July 1898, Curie and her husband published a joint paper announcing the existence of an element wich they named "polonium", few months later, the Curies announced the existence of a second new element, wich they named "radium". For that reason, in 1903, she won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
In 1911, she won her second Nobel Prize (this time in Chemistry) because the discoverd of radium and their compounds.
On 4 july 1934, she died from aplastic anemia believed to have been contracted from her long-term exposure to radiation.
Finally, I want to say that I chose her because she made a big contribution on chemistry and radioactivity, also because she was woman, and as we all know being a woman on those years was really difficult, specially in sciences.


  1. it's really admirable that with so little technology, she could do so much. :0 i wanna be like she

  2. The first woman to win 2 nobel prizes... is just perfect. Great woman!

  3. She is awesome, the people should know that many women have contributed to science


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